So like any self-respecting university student with lots of assignments and essays and exams...I love to waste time. Therefore, STUMBLEUPON.
I haven't got any big projects started yet, so what I'll do is show you stuff I freakin' adore. Not going to lie, I was a goth in high school...and I hid this passion I had for fashion and girly things throughout. Well, now the internet shall know! I need to get it out! Without further ado, let me start geeking out on clothes!!!!
OH! And if you know who made these dresses, I'd be more than happy to post it here! I know some of the websites have sources to who made them, but if you or a friend want their names on here, no problem!
Ok, dresses for realsies:
Oh my gosh...yes....YES. YES!!!!!.
I want this dress so badly...This is a Christian Dior dress, and it's in A FREAKIN' MUSEUM (Metropolitan Museum of Art). I wish I could wear it! I just adore the gorgeous waist, and the way it flows, the length, it is a true piece of ART. I found this
here, and I squealed when I saw it. WOOOW.
I can only hope that someday, I might be able to sew such a masterpiece...
This dress is made from
recycled children's books! DYI, FTW!! There is only one face I can make that describes what I feel.....
I love this rage face.
I love Smosh. And if you're ever been on their know about the
Smosh Pit. It's just all sorts of awesome in there. A while back...they had this list up. I think it's pretty clear by now that I freakin' adore dresses. More than is probably healthy.
Well, here goes nothing (watch out, it's squee-worthy...)
OHMIGOSH. SO inventive...
OMG. OH my...nostalgia kicking in...
Joker??? YES PLEASE.
I don't know when...I don't know how, but I know something starting right now...I WANT THAT DRESS.
SQUEE LEVELS...HIGH....MUST...RESIST...SQUEALING...(Nightmare Before Xmas was my favorite movie as a explains my weakness for gothic things ^^)
Personally, and the good ladies of Vanier Hall will agree with me, I think someone here at my university (maybe me...) should make this for our ABC+C party...(anything but clothes and cups party for those who don't know)
Star Wars. And 3D glasses. F*CK YEAH.
Old school Zelda. Old school Mario. 'Nuff said.
This dress can pretty nearly pass as a Sweet Lolita dress, which is already awesome as it is, BUT ADDING GIR MAKES IT INFINITELY BETTER!!!
THESE DRESSES. WOW. Those are my personal favorites, but you can see the rest
on here.
Ladies and/or gents, you are all very talented. My goodness...I need to lie down. My squee-levels are WAY off the charts.
I love fashion inspirations. Those little sets that look like a character...
This website College Fashion... they made it SO much awesomer. I'll post their ensembles, and try to guess!
Who could this be?
Huh?? HUH?? WHO??
Real tough one here, amiright?
SO, did you guess them all? If you haven't, here's the
Now if you didn't guess right, DON'T YOU AGREE THAT THESE FIT PERFECTLY?
GOSH. Especially the Midna one! Like, I love it! The best part is that if you want to look like a character but aren't a fan of cosplay, you have this little subtle way of doing it! I personally LOVE cosplaying, Halloween is my favorite holiday. But it isn't for every day, so this is a great alternative.
They even post links (heheh...) to where you can get the items (bwahahaha XD) of clothing!
Ain't nothing like gettin' yourself a new tunic...
And oh my gosh, they did it for cartoon characters too!
Candace! from Phinea s & Ferb.. by marylily featuring a mini skirt
Pretty cute huh?
Yeah...I am a nerd. SO WHAT?? >=(
So, since this post was pretty lengthy, I'll leave you with that. Sorry for taking you on an epic journey to clothing awesomeness. But, now you have a pretty good idea of what I'll post. NYAH.